Conscious Choices for Wellness

Strong Immunity

Be Love Season 1 Episode 3

We all need to take care of ourselves better right?  There are so many ways to do this, here I will go over simply some of the best proven herbs and fungi to help boost your immune system and ward off the viruses that will ail us if we let them!  I’ll go over the one’s that my family has personal experience with or that I have recommended to others that have helped…I may have left out a few important one's that I can already think of...!!

Book: CBD, A Patient's Guide to Medicinal Cannabis; Leinow & Birnbaum

Song credits: Bob Marley & the Wailers, Sun is Shining

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Sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Make you want to move you dancing feet to the rescue... Hello Conscious Wellness Community. Today we're going to talk about healthy, strong immunity. We all need to take care of ourselves better, right? There are so many ways that we can do this here. I'm going to go over simply some of the best proven herbs and fungi to help boost your immune system and ward off the viruses that will ail us if we let them. First, I'll go over the ones that my family has personally experienced and that have helped us over the years and that I recommend to others. Garlic aka Nature's penicillin is a common food in the onion family known also as an herb to be a strong natural antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and even expels Parasites when used properly, its active component is Allison, which is a natural antibiotic. One milligram of is equal to 15 standard units of penicillin. It also contains more germanium than any other food on the planet. Russia has found garlic to retard tumor growth in humans. It's active against harmful bacteria, including staph and e coli bacteria good to take for all diseases including contagious disease. My own experience using garlic has been very positive in fighting infection such as streptococcus or strep throat. Used many times as an alternative to conventional antibiotics with success. One proven and tried remedy for any sore throat is to mix a teaspoon of raw honey with a quarter teaspoon of raw grated garlic and one teaspoon of lemon juice and just off a spoon and let it trickle down the throat. This method is very effective and satisfying to say the least starts working immediately. Other nutrients, garlic contains in small amounts are protein, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins, A, B, and C, calcium, sulfur, selenium, germanium, chlorine, manzi, copper, iron, lutein, and xanthin, and even enzymes. It's a miraculous food that is inexpensive and we should all have in our household at all times or astragalus, probably not saying that right. Astragalus membrane or weighing is another herb. With a long history as an immune enhancing tonic, there is even more evidence to suggest that aul increases production of stem cells. In addition, it has been shown to increase leukocyte interleukin two macrophage, which is immune cell numbers and activity and the general immune response. It's used for deep immunity and it's something that can safely be used long term. It's great if you have a compromised immune system or you seem to catch every virus going around. The can really help build your immune system. It is a root and it tastes quite good when chewed drunk as a tea or added to soups. It's also used in Chinese medicine for spleen deficiency treatment of kidney inflammation, which would help with general fatigue and regulating blood sugar levels. My experience has been using it for back when I used to get sick more regularly, I was turned on to this herb and learned about it to add in for deeper immunity. It's definitely good for somebody if you feel like you really need something to boost yourself, make yourself stronger and you really don't need to take a lot of it. I can't recommend the exact dosage for you over this podcast this, but it's something that will help you if you struggle with low immunity. Since I struggled with low, having low white blood cells for many years, most of my life actually, it was very helpful. It's been proven to be helpful when taken daily over a period of time, at least two or three months or more recommended by every naturopath and acupuncturist I've seen over the years. Elderberry or sambucus has been used for centuries for its use as a cold and flu remedy loaded with antioxidants, which help with inflammation and has been proven over and over again for antiviral properties and boosting effects. These little taste delicious, they bitter, but they do taste delicious when they are prepared properly, specifically with some healthy, high quality raw local honey made into a syrup by simmering on low heat for about 45 minutes, making a nice elderberry syrup, very easy to do and cost effective if you can do it yourself and not have to buy it from the store. I'll give you a little recipe here. Using one cup of filtered water to a quarter cup of dried organic elderberries and you can have the optional addition of a teaspoon of ginger, star anus, cloves, and cinnamon. Any of those are all of them for added flavor and benefits. Put this into a covered stainless steel glass or ceramic pot over a lowest heat and simmer for the 45 minutes. You could also use a double boiler method, which would help prevent evaporation of the liquid and burning, but a pot watched, maybe set a timer. Make sure you've got that at least a cup of water in there. With a quarter cup of berries, it's probably better to double the recipe if you're worried about too much of authorization. I just say this because I've burned way too many pans in my lifetime, not having enough liquid or walking away, not setting a timer. So after the 45 minutes, uncover strain into a glass jar, stir in the half a cup of raw local honey and then seal with a tight lid. Then you could use anybody over a hundred pounds, could use a tablespoon at a time. Twice a day is a good prevention. You could use every couple of hours. If you're fighting something off for young children, a teaspoon would be sufficient and this would be good for six months if stored in the refrigerator. Also, it's fantastic syrup addition to add to pancakes, waffles, french toast. It's just really, really yummy. My experience with this herb and berry has helped many with immunity, respiratory infections, prevention and healing, or LEA studies some potential activity towards the influenza virus. Research suggests that olive leaf extract may reduce the infectivity and inhibit the replication of viruses that cause colds, influenza, and lower respiratory tract infections. Olive leaf extract has been shown to stimulate phagocytosis, which may enhance the body's response to a viral infection. Experience has shown that extract spray on sore throat is very effective as well as taking at least five milligram day for four weeks or more. Greatly improves immune. I personally have noticed my immune system being stronger when I've taken this amount for a month or more in the past, oregano or oreg B extract has been shown to have antimicrobial antiviral, anti antifungal properties. This medicine is very strong, so used with caution as oregano extract can burn and even kill some good bacteria if taken in high doses for too long. It definitely is very helpful in warding off viruses and unwanted bacteria. Great as an antifungal for candida, warts, et cetera. Also used as an excellent antioxidant and contains anti-cancer compounds. Short-term use is recommended and not to be used during pregnancy. My experience is best used as a short-term, two to four weeks to boost immunity and ward off disease. My favorite quality brands are Gaia herbs and liquid capsule and American Spice Company has a liquid in a smaller bottle that's best used in smaller doses and is very effective. They have information on their website, I'm sure that would explain how theirs could be taken over longer periods of time because it's a certain kind of process that they make it and then it doesn't kill off the good bacteria, and so it's safer to take in small doses, but over a long period of time. Andro or andrographis, it's well known in India as the king of bitters. Yes, it's very, very bitter. It's one of those nasty tasting herbs, but listen to this, it's another So-called Do Everything Herb with uses ranging from Lyme's disease to arthritis. It protects the liver by reducing of toxins. In a similar, it stops pain preserves digestive symptoms by balancing pH levels and by inflammatory, it protects the by blood vessels, preserves cognitive health by its adapt effects and especially boosting immune defenses against viruses and bacteria. Andrographis has risen to treat extremely difficult conditions such as HPV and HIV. Research has shown. Clinical studies show this herb reduces cold and flu symptoms. My experience first started from taking this recommended by a naturopathic doctor to fight off HPV many, many years ago. I was put on a protocol for six months including andrographis enzymes between meals and a combination actually at the time of a different sun guy. And after that six month period, I came back for testing and HPV was no longer found. I was told to try this protocol before having to do a more invasive procedure of taking some cells that were starting to show cancer on my cervix and so I was just a strong believer of andrographis after that because I'd taken enzymes and fungi before, but I had never tried Anis and I just knew that that was what was like. It was just such a strong antiviral that I knew it was very effective and I've used it many years since with great, great results with many people for getting rid of virus. And let's see. Of course, combining with a healthy organic diet always helps. Other supplements that are helpful in the treatment of viral activity and immune function are as follows. We've got colloidal silver on the list. Of course should be in a pure metallic form in particles of 15 atoms or fewer each with a positive electric charge. These electrically charged particles of silver are extremely small, usually ranging from about one to 10 nanometers, which is zero one to about zero one microns in diameter and are suspended in pharmaceutical grade water. The force of the electric charge is stronger than the force of gravity, so the silver particles remain suspended. That's it. Colloidal silver. The color tinge of colloidal silver is an optical effect resulting from the quantity of atoms per micro cluster. As a rule, the higher the concentration of colloidal silver, the darker the color of the solution, a dark yellow or brownish amber color being the highest quality and concentration. It is non addicting. The body does not build up tolerance to it and studies show that properly prepared colloidal silver is not deposited under the skin like other silver compounds. An example of a good choice would be silver wings, although I also really like sovereign silver brand effects are quite promising as positive experience with helping rid infections of the throat and nasal passages. It also may assist with ridding the body from parasites. It's a great antifungal as well may be used externally for burns and scrapes combined with aloe vera. Mushrooms and fungi, one of my favorite topics. They are fascinating facilitators of wellness. There is much research being done and many published studies on the efficacy and the healing of various ailments. Some of the best choices for the immune system that are fairly too readily accessible are REI or Ling, which acts as a biological response modifier on the immune system by stimulating the macrophage production of interleukins activating the host production of T cells and even tumors factors. This one is definitely antiviral both from fruiting bodies and the mycelia. Also effective terpenoids that are naturally anti-inflammatory help with asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. One study showed complete relief after just two to four weeks of taking REI for allergies. Another is Aon. Aon has been used for centuries for the treatment of lung illnesses like pneumonia and tuberculosis described traditionally by polish peoples as a treatment against coughing illnesses and asthma also used for bleeding, infections and inflammation known as the elixir of long life by the physician di. These names the Greek gods are very hard to say sometimes. Sorry, I just have to laugh at myself. Described in the 65 ad material medica that is the material medica are like the medical Bibles of the times and this is a very, very ancient one according to Sta Paul stat, who is like the mushroom fungi God of all time. In my opinion. A garcon has similar benefits to olive, which we previously discussed. Turkey tail or t versa of color has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-tumor properties as well as being a powerful immune enhancer. It contains PSP or poly peptide, which is an antiviral agent and a classic biological response modifier inducing gamma interferon interleukin two and T-cell proliferation. Turkey tail is used to treat a wide variety of cancers. I just want to say that I didn't say in the beginning. I'm reading a lot of this and discussing on the side from a blog that I posted about four years ago and this blog post, all the information is still very relevant. I'm sure research that's been done on all of these supplements that I'm speaking about, but if I'm having trouble pronouncing some of these herbs and fungi by their medical term names, I apologize. It's just that I'm going by what I have typed here and I wanted to give you both names of each food or herb that I'm speaking about. So the last mushroom that I'm going to bring up is shiitake, which is very common. Shiitake mushroom can be found in most grocery stores these days. It's the most studied of the mushroom out of the fungi kingdom, or at least it was the most studied four years ago. Could be maybe not the most studied anymore, but it has been in centers of research back since the late sixties. So there's extensive research being done or have been done on this mushroom a polysaccharide instrumental in activating a host mediated response. Macrophages respond to it and then stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cell defenses. One or more studies have found that shiitake extract enhances the production of normal white blood cells leading to phagocytosis shiitake's antiviral activity is proven effective against both HIV and herpes viruses. Extensive antibacterial properties protect us from harmful bacterias. Another added benefit is that it significantly inhibits candida albicans when extracted from its fermented mycelium, also known to protect your liver and lower bad cholesterol. Wow, amazing. This one is readily available to us as well, readily available. Check out my delicious recipes that I have on my website that I borrowed from tarot ISO cap's book healing mushrooms, sorry, tarot if I'm saying your name incorrectly. Now, there are a few mushroom species that are toxic, even fatal. So beware if you're out foraging this winter, just know what you're harvesting. I do want to put that disclaimer on this podcast, mushroom foresting for has gotten very, very popular over the last several years. Just be careful and know what you're doing. Some brands that I recommend are HealthForce, one of my favorite all-time brands, my community, a k, a host, A Fence by Paul and four Sigmatic is a great one for instant powdered mushrooms on the go. They also make a great, really strong instant mushroom coffee that is smooth, tasty vitamin wise. Vitamin D or vitamin sunshine is very, very important, especially in the winter months. Most people get deficient unless you're living way down in the south where you get a lot of sun every day and you're not using sunscreen, which can be an issue. So for those of you that use sunscreen all the time, you're probably not getting enough D unless you're taking a supplement and it might be good to get tested so you know how low you are and how much to take. But I'm not going to go into too much detail about that. Just make sure that your D levels are high enough. Immune cell activity. Also, I want to mention of course, vitamin C. Vitamin C is very, very safe. It's not like you need to get tested C or levels or anything. It's water soluble. It can be taken in high doses when needed. It's good for prevention. It has hundreds of functions in the body. Vitamin C, good quality vitamin C, make sure that it's a food source and it's non GMO and it's great thing to have on hand. It's not too expensive. You want bioflavonoids to be in. It helps with absorption, can do a whole talk on vitamin C, but vitamin A, C and E, those are your antioxidants, vitamins, the ACE group, and those are all really good for your immune system. I just want to really emphasize C, because C is the water soluble one out of the AC and E, A, D and E are the fat solubles, so you have to watch how much you're taking. But C is very, very important for immune function. And then the other C that I want to mention is cannabinoids. Cannabinoids found in cannabis. We all know the plant cannabis, which has so many different cannabinoids that do similar and different functions in the body. Our body has its own endocannabinoid system with receptor sites all over inside of our body that react to the different cannabinoids that cannabis has. That's why it's such a medicinal plant. But cannabinoids actually help with immune system function as well. They're responsible for examining the foreign objects that come into the body, the antigens that are presented like bacteria to the immune system so that they can react to it through the IgG cells, which help with acute infections and the immunoglobulin membranes. They stimulate in this way, the lymph nodes where primary action takes place sending out signals into the bloodstream. So they essentially create interleukins or cys that are responsible for the body's responses like fever, bacteria live best at normal body temperature, but fever 1 1 2, which is not too high of a fever but comfortably will kill bacteria in the body. And it's actually a very positive response if your body's doing that. It's helping you to get rid of whatever ailing your body faster. So yes, your immune system was designed to work against bacteria and parasites and we want to keep it strong. And so today I've discussed different ways that we can do that on a holistic physical level. There are many other helpers that I have not mentioned here, including the factors of our spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing. We can talk about that in the future. And a podcast.

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