Conscious Choices for Wellness
Conscious Choices for Wellness Podcast is beginning Fall 2024!!
Hosted by Be Cretilli. She will be sharing ways to support being Your Best Self while also Helping Save our Planet. Besides raising her 4 children, mostly as a single mother, Be started one of the first Green Living shops in Northern California & has managed Wellness shops for over a decade. She obtained her BA in Natural Health Studies in 2008, Certified Yoga Teacher in 2014, Certified Cannabinoid Coach in 2020, as well as many other certificates in Iridology, Permaculture, Shiatsu, Herbology, and Aromatherapy.
California based Mother & Holistic Health Coach Creating Anything & Everything related to Health & Wellness, including Holistic Healing for Body, Mind & Spirit, Eco-fashion, Organic Farming, Sustainable Lifestyle choices & more.
Stay tuned for new shows every week(:
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It's time to Start more Healing!!
Conscious Choices for Wellness
Concrete Jungle~Stirring Up Life
This episode is music inspired from last night as I was listening to YT Music & came across this one! We all need more Love & here I'll share ways to feel more Love & Light in life during such insanity in the world...Learn what the two greatest free vitamins are to help be well in times of stress(:
“Concrete Jungle” from Bob Marley & The Wailers’ 1973 album, Catch A Fire! https://youtu.be/uzv1kZBVs8w?si=1foESgrT8Ywx7pZc
My favorite Vegan Vitamin D:
*note, vegan sources are from lichen & non-vegan is mainaly sourced from Sheep fur
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Thank You All so very much for listening today! I genuinely hope you learned something & I invite you to join me each week, so you never miss a conscious wellness beat! This podcast holds a special place in my heart, dedicated to my evolution here, my passionate mission to spread more consciousness for the much needed wellness on Earth. Come join me as a guest as well, let’s collaborate making change for future generations..
Thank you so much for joining me today! I strongly Believe that we are all Connected and want to Share our gifts with One another. Remember how amazing you are, Never Give Up, We can help and Support each other along this Crazy Journey...I'm going to keep Sharing what I can with all of You, just wish I could do more each day, Life is passing by too quickly! This podcast is new and will be ever-evolving & improving as long as possible...Please share this with others who could benefit from this information(:
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Hello & welcome everybody today that is listening. It's a wintery day, all of a sudden. It was spring last week it seemed, which is kind of normal weather for NorCal where I live. It usually will give you a little window of spring in January, but this year it happened in February and we definitely got a good week of, not a week solid, but I would say a week total in February of spring-like weather meaning around 70 degrees depending on where you were, and hardly any rain. I'd say in the last couple of months, which has been two out of the three months of winter, we probably only got maybe three weeks of rain maybe, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I just know that it seems like it's not raining as much as normal, and all of a sudden in the last 24 hours, it made a complete 360 and now winter is back and there's actually snow happening. Where I'm at, I'm at about 3000 elevation in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California, and I don't love the snow, and I didn't even know it was going to snow, and I actually hope it doesn't snow too much more where I'm at, although the higher elevations is great, it's snowing lightly and we got about an inch and now it's turning to ice. But anyways, my neighbor has a generator running for some reason. I don't know if they're out of power and I'm not, but hopefully there won't be too much background noise. It seems like it's kind of going on and off. So today I got inspiration for doing a podcast that somewhat has to do with music because I'm an absolute musical fanatic. I really should be a musician myself probably. I've thought about being a DJ on and off throughout my life. My dad was a DJ in the eighties and I was literally born into music, just boom boxing on the other side of my wall. My crib evidently was on one side of the wall and the boombox was on the other side or the jukebox. Yeah, my dad has two jukeboxes, of course, a record player and all that equipment, but still to this day, he's got a jukebox that he's had since the eighties and then he has another antique one from, I don't even know, maybe it's from the fifties or sixties. It's a really, really old school, one that I'm hoping maybe I'll get some day to have in my home. I don't know if I'd want the big one from the eighties. It's kind of really big and obnoxious. But yeah, I was kind of born into music and I think that's why I just absolutely love many genres of music. The music I was born into was rock and roll. It was like the rock and roll of the fifties and the sixties and the seventies. I was born in the mid seventies. Then as I grew up, my dad, whenever we'd go anywhere in the car, he loved to turn the radio up really loud and he was really into making his own tapes and CDs and he still loves making his own CDs and putting his songs on there that he wants and then giving them his gifts or whatever. So yeah, that's just a little music history about myself and you'll hear me bring up music on and off throughout my podcast and I was inspired last night having a YouTube, I don't even think it was YouTube music, just regular. I have YouTube premium, which I'm really loving these days, and I always end up gravitating to the music stuff to the different videos or concerts that they have on there of different artists. And Bob Marley's birthday was about a month ago, about three weeks ago now, and so there was something that came up in celebration of his 80th and Concrete Jungle was one of the songs as was stirred up. And I was just really inspired by the words and I wasn't sure quite what I was going to talk about today, but I decided to stir it up a little bit. And the title of this podcast is Concrete Jungle, stirring Up Vitamins, sunshine and Love. So one of my all time favorite music artists has always been the infamous Bob Marley. Yes, his lyrics have inspired me with positivity since my teenage years. No matter what hell I felt I was going through in my adult life over the past 35 years, listening to Bob's music and the whalers high vibrational tunes always brought me solace and light to my being. Now, there are many, many other musicians that have also brought positivity into my life and I'm very grateful for this. But since I'm titling this in honor of Bob, which doesn't surprise me, I had to state his absolute immense presence. And I know I'm not alone in this feeling. Obviously as the song sings, no Sun will shine in my day today. No sun will shine, and that's the backup singers there. Which one of them at the time was Peter Tosh. Darkness has covered my light. Where is the love to be found? No chains around my feet, but I'm not free. Those are a few of the lyrics in this song. So many right now more than ever are feeling this way and it's very, very sad. So this led me to kind of just go into this and I'm not going to have this be too long. I hope I always, I'm always trying to keep it relatively short. I'm not sure how many minutes this will end up being, but as someone who's very sensitive to what's going on in the world, and I wish I could help in so many ways, it's exhausting and I have to manage my energy constantly. I'm writing this for inspiration on where and how to find the light in hopes of helping even a few. We're all here to give our gifts or gifts to the world, whatever that may be, and we all have a purpose to be here. Now, like Bob stated, the sweet light must be somewhere to be found instead of this concrete jungle confusion. So I'm going to talk about a few vitamins. I say it that way because if you haven't been listening, you know that I'm a holistic health practitioner and I vitamins, vitamins. So the two absolutely free vitamins, maybe there's other ones, but these are two that I know to be free are vitamin L, aka love and vitamin D, aka the sunshine vitamin. So maybe these are sometimes freebies. I know that really depends on how much sunshine is available to us and how much love we let be available to us. So I'm aware that many of us struggle with the love factor as well as getting adequate sunlight. And if you are struggling with feeling love, I spoke on ways to give yourself love a few episodes ago, a few weeks ago now, and I'm sure that there are tons of other ways and one that comes to mind right now as I write this and read this, is being aware or practice of awareness in what you are consuming. Food is medicine and either heals you or depletes you on a daily as you eat. Remembering we are what we eat, including what we drink and what we listen and watch. So what we listen to that also affects our being, and that's either giving love to our bodies. When I listen to Bob Marley or other reggae artists or many, many other genres that I'm also into, I literally feel love and lit up like many of us do when we listen to our favorite music. It just really just brings love inside and that's why music is so magical and it's medicine. So all our senses are unlocked and vulnerable to our environment. What we are seeing, what we are listening to, what we are touching, okay, what we are eating, what we are tasting, what we are smelling even, right? I didn't really talk about that, but I mean just all of our senses, even the vibes that we're feeling energetically that we can't see, that is all part of our environment and that's all affecting our health and wellbeing. Love is everywhere in many forms. Music is love, generating love vibes, create more love vibes, let love in, let it grow and nourish you so there is more circulating. Take time for self sending love signals within which will emanate throughout your being and penetrate others to pass it on. It can be a love challenge. I thought that was fun. As I was writing this blog, I was like, yeah, it could be a love challenge. It doesn't have to be a competition, but just a lot of us like a little challenge and that's something that we can try out and investigate and challenge ourselves and see how it works. Explore it. More love creates more light, less darkness and more freedom. Bob's concrete jungle Lyric says, I will always be laughing like a clown. And it's like, huh, okay, that's an interesting lyric. What does that mean? I think may try and be bringing you down, but if you know better than crumbling into the dark abyss, then you'll be able to shine bright even in the darkest of times. Find and create love. It's free to give and to receive the sunshine vitamin, which we all know as D is good for so many things in the body. Vitamin D supports everything from the immune system, health to bone strength and gut health. The list goes on and on. I could do a podcast for probably over an hour just on the benefits of vitamin D. So I just wanted to touch on it a little bit here and if you want to hear more, although I know you can Google this shit, I would love to talk about it. We all should keep in mind that this vitamin is absolutely essential to our wellbeing. Creating more light within shining bright on the darkest of days when doom scrolling or gloomy weather abounds, this vitamin must be supplemented in many parts of the world, especially if you live north of the equator. Then being aware of your D levels is crucial for sustaining proper health. D is primarily obtained freely from sunlight, so supplementation or dietary sources like fatty fish, egg yolks, other fortified foods may be necessary, especially for those who are indoors. Often if you wear sunscreen, if you have darker skin, it takes longer to penetrate the skin or live in low sunlit areas. There are many great supplements on the market and I'll drop links to a few of my favorite in the show notes. Now, when I drop a favorite of mine in the show notes, keep in mind that it's probably one of the highest quality products on the market because very into quality and being really the best that's out there. That's just how I am. Not that I can afford the best of the best out there all the time, but I try and I'm hoping someday that I will have more abundance and I things in my life to keep me and my family healthy in the highest ways. While I'm typing this and listening to my YouTube music, my eyes led me over to a comment on the left from at Sweet Morning Cafe. I was listening to the NYC jazz mix playlist, and this person I quoting stated to anyone who's reading this, it's going to be okays. I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts and the overthinking and the doubt exit your mind right now and make clarity and understand. Replace confusion. I declare peace and calmness to fill your life. Wow. I was like, okay, I'm going to add this to my blog because it just happened to be right there with what I was listening to while I was typing. And I went in and I was like, I don't know if I was changing the song or I was trying to find the right playlist to listen to. And I saw that and I'm like, I'm going to add that to the end of this show. So that's all I have today, and I know it's really fucking nuts what's happening out there. I am even trying not to listen and consume on a daily, although I am knowing deep within that it is important to stay on top of what's happening and not have your head in the sand. I've said this before and I really believe that we need to not just hide, not be scared, not be filled with fear, not conform, crumble, whatever. That's what they want, and we really need to unite. And I'm telling you, there are thousands of millions of us there that are all on the same page and on similar paths, and we need to unite and we're going to come through this all, okay, we're going to get through this. That's the good news. It's because it's almost fucking comical what they think that they're doing and what they're trying to do, and it's fucking nuts. And we just need to stay strong. We need to resist and stay peaceful. We can't let it stress us out. We can't get ill from it or succumb to whatever they're trying to accomplish. And so let's stay strong and body, mind and spirit and unite and come through this on the other side for our family and for the future generations for our wellbeing. And yes, I can see that there's much light out there still, and we all just need to be aware and spread the awareness and love each other and take care of one another. So I thank you for listening. Please pass this on if you would to someone else who you think would benefit. And I love and appreciate you. Please give me a five star review and I will keep it coming, and I just never know what I'm going to talk about next. But I have so much to share. And if you want to be a guest, if you are in the holistic wellness realm and you'd love to talk about something on this show, I am very excited to have you reach out. Thanks so much and have a beautiful day and blessings to you and your family. Bye now. I got keys to kingdom that got the keys. Kingdom Keys, kingdom Keys.