Conscious Choices for Wellness
Conscious Choices for Wellness Podcast is beginning Fall 2024!!
Hosted by Be Cretilli. She will be sharing ways to support being Your Best Self while also Helping Save our Planet. Besides raising her 4 children, mostly as a single mother, Be started one of the first Green Living shops in Northern California & has managed Wellness shops for over a decade. She obtained her BA in Natural Health Studies in 2008, Certified Yoga Teacher in 2014, Certified Cannabinoid Coach in 2020, as well as many other certificates in Iridology, Permaculture, Shiatsu, Herbology, and Aromatherapy.
California based Mother & Holistic Health Coach Creating Anything & Everything related to Health & Wellness, including Holistic Healing for Body, Mind & Spirit, Eco-fashion, Organic Farming, Sustainable Lifestyle choices & more.
Stay tuned for new shows every week(:
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It's time to Start more Healing!!
Conscious Choices for Wellness
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